Our organization dates back to the 1940's and was originally known as The University of Nebraska Alumni Association of North Texas. At the time, the association was a loose knit group of a few graduates of the University whose main interest was Nebraska football. Shortly after World War II, Milton A. Gish was instrumental in reorganizing and structuring our club.
Harold "Doc" Mattson became president of the North Texas Association in 1947. Through his contacts with the University alumni office, Doc obtained a list of 1,500 to 2,000 alumni in the DFW area. This list helped Doc organize a group of 25 to 50 people who, under his leadership and direction, were able to dramatically increase membership in the association. Eventually functions began drawing as many as 200 Nebraska alumni.
In the early ‘50s, the University Foundation was trying to raise additional funds for student loans and scholarships to the University. Some of the principal funding sources of the Foundation were alumni associations. The North Texas Association stepped up to the plate and made the Foundation its primary benefactor of fund raising. The University Foundation used the monies raised from all sources to fund student loans and scholarship to the University. The North Texas Association also established its own scholarship fund, which still exists today.
Today the North Texas Nebraskans maintain a membership of over 1500 and regularly draw around 600 to our watch sites in three locations. In addition, the group holds its annual Taste of Nebraska in August and Banquet in the Spring.